Find out your full retirement age, which is when you become eligible for unreduced Social Security retirement benefits. The year and month you reach full retirement age depends on the year you were born.
Full retirement age, also called "normal retirement age," was 65 for many years. In 1983, Congress passed a law to gradually raise the age because people are living longer and are generally healthier in older age.
The law raised the full retirement age beginning with people born in 1938 or later. The retirement age gradually increases by a few months for every birth year, until it reaches 67 for people born in 1960 and later.
You must be at least age 22 to use the form at right. Lack of a substantial earnings history will cause retirement benefit estimates to be unreliable. Enter your date of birth (month/day/year format) / / Enter earnings in the current year: $ Your annual earnings must be earnings covered by Social Security. If you entered 0, we assume you are now retired. Enter the last year in which you had covered earnings and the amount of such earnings. Year: Earnings: $ Future retirement date option If you have decided upon a retirement date, enter the month number and year in which you plan to retire. Month Year By "retirement date," we mean the month in which you intend to stop working. We assume that this is also the month for which you want benefits to begin. However, if you enter a date before you are eligible for benefits, we will assume you want to start receiving benefits at the earliest possible age (age 62).
If you have any questions or comments about the Quick Calculator, please visit our Contact Social Security page for ways to contact us. Remember to use "Quick Calculator" as the subject so we know which calculator your question or comment refers to.
Compare retirement benefit estimates based on your selected date or age to begin receiving benefits with retirement estimates for ages 62, Full Retirement Age (FRA), and 70. You can also input expected future income for inclusion in the estimate.
myOrangeMoney is designed to give you a simple and actionable view of your retirement income needs and your current progress towards meeting those needs whether in 5 years or 40 years. Our goal is to make sure you know where you stand regarding your readiness to retire and to ensure that you know how to improve your outlook.
To start, your retirement income goal is set to equal 70% of your current annual pre-tax pay as provided by your employer or input/edited by you. This is why we ask you to enter your salary the first time you use myOrangeMoney. This number is an estimate of the income you may need in retirement to maintain your standard of living. This number represents an accepted standard in the financial services industry and should only be viewed as a starting point for your retirement planning. Every individual's needs are unique.
The reason 100% of your pre-retirement income may not be required to maintain your standard of living in retirement is because your expenses may change when you stop working. Some expense may go down or away, such as taxes and work related expenses, while some may go up, like health care costs and money you spend on new hobbies or activities. Some examples of expenses that typically go down:
No representations, warranties or guarantees are made as to the accuracy of any projections or calculations. Neither Voya nor its affiliated companies shall be liable for any damages or costs of any type arising out of or in any way connected with your use of this calculator. This information does not serve, either directly or indirectly, as legal, financial or tax advice and you should always consult a qualified professional legal, financial and/or tax advisor when making decisions related to your individual tax situation.
The rate of return (the money your investments earn) for the purposes of this tool is set to 6% (a 6% rate of return is a standard industry default for a moderately conservative investor. When coupled with a 3% inflation rate, this equates to a 3% real rate of return). You may adjust this rate based on your style of investing and/or if you feel your own investments' rate of return will be higher or lower than the 6%. Here's a tip: look for an average long-term rate of 5 or more years, if possible, since retirement investing is generally done over many years. If you do adjust the Assumed Rate of Return/Investment Style slider based on your own expectations of a return, it is essential that you make an accurate selection in order for the estimate we provide to be valid. Please note that generally, the greater the return, the greater the risk associated with achieving that return.
Enter the information below and click on the Calculate button to get a report on those choices. You may want to look at your paystub or the FEGLI code on a Notification of Personnel Action (SF 50) and model the actual FEGLI coverage you currently have. You can then change your choices to see what difference the change(s) would make on the coverage and premiums. You will also be able to make a second calculation to see what would happen to this insurance coverage following retirement.
Fill in the fields below to get a snapshot of your retirement savings potential.\r\n","retirement_calculator_required":"Required","fields":["id":"current-age","type":"age","label":"Current Age","placeholder":" ","description":"(between [age_min] and [age_max] years)","required":true,"validation":"valueMissing":"This field is required.","rangeUnderflow":"Age must be at least [age_min]","rangeOverflow":"Age must be under [age_max]","id":"expecting-retirement-age","type":"age","label":"Expected Retirement Age","placeholder":" ","description":"(between [age_start] and [age_max] years)","required":true,"validation":"valueMissing":"This field is required.","rangeUnderflow":"Age must be at least [age_start]","rangeOverflow":"Age must be under [age_max]","id":"beginning-contribution-age","type":"age","label":"Beginning Contribution Age","placeholder":" ","description":"(between [age_start] and [age_max] years)","required":true,"validation":"valueMissing":"This field is required.","rangeUnderflow":"Age must be at least [age_start]","rangeOverflow":"Age must be under [age_max]","id":"investment-rate-of-return","type":"%","label":"Investment Rate of Return","placeholder":" ","description":"(between [%_min] and [%_max])","required":true,"validation":"valueMissing":"This field is required.","rangeUnderflow":"Investment Rate of Return must be at least [%_min]","rangeOverflow":"Investment Rate of Return must be under 12% [%_max]","hint":"The average rate of return is between 5%-7%. The rate of return is impacted by market volatility and your asset allocation (or how your investments are diversified) and can be discussed in detail with your Financial Advisor.","id":"minimal-annual-contribution","type":"$","label":"Minimum Annual Contribution","placeholder":" ","description":"(between [rate_min] and [rate_max])","required":true,"validation":"valueMissing":"This field is required.","rangeUnderflow":"Minimum Annual Contribution must be at least [rate_min]","rangeOverflow":"Minimum Annual Contribution must be under $9,999,999 [rate_max]","hint":"Include all contributions to plans such as 401(k) and 403(b) plans and IRAs.","id":"maximum-annual-contribution","type":"$","label":"Maximum Annual Contribution","placeholder":" ","description":"(between [rate_min] and [rate_max])","required":true,"validation":"valueMissing":"This field is required.","rangeUnderflow":"Maximum Annual Contribution must be under $9,999,999 [rate_min]","rangeOverflow":"Is this a dup? [rate_max]","id":"current-value-plan","type":"$","label":"Current Retirement Savings","placeholder":" ","description":"(between [rate_min] and [rate_max])","required":true,"validation":"valueMissing":"This field is required.","rangeUnderflow":"Current Value Plan must be at least [rate_min]","rangeOverflow":"Current Value Plan must be under $9,999,999 [rate_max]","hint":"Include all savings intended for your retirement, such as IRA and 401(k) and 403(b) contributions, as well as deposits to non-retirement accounts including money market, savings or brokerage accounts."],"retirement_calculator_clear_all_fields":"Clear All Fields","buttonText":"Calculate","buttonAriaText":null,"potentialYieldCalculation":"Your potential yield if you retire at [age]","startContributingAt":"Start contributing at [age] may yield","resultAmountRange":"[min] to [max]","buttonTextResultPage":"Edit calculations","buttonAriaTextResultPage":null,"clearAllFieldsAria":null,"supportingTextResultPage":"Will this be enough?\r\n\r\nHow much you\u2019ll need is driven by how much you plan to spend in retirement. An Edward Jones financial advisor can help you:\r\n\r\n\r\n\tGet a handle on what you spend each year right now.\r\n\tWalk through how your expenses may change later in life.\r\n\tIdentify and factor in outside sources of income such as Social Security.\r\n\tSee where you stand with your current retirement planning using our established 5-step Process.\r\n\r\n\r\nLet\u2019s talk. Meet with an Edward Jones financial advisor for a complimentary retirement analysis.\r\n","genericErrorMessageTitle":"Sorry, there's a problem.","genericErrorMessage":"Please review and resolve the error below.","years":"years","toolName":"retirement","HighchartsDescription":" ","HighchartsTitle":" ","HighchartsCaption":" ","HighchartsSubtitle":" ","Data1Label":"Late Contribution","Data2Label":"Early Contribution"} Are we the right fit for you?Let's find out with a complimentary consultation.
This calculator is for illustrative purposes only and does not reflect the performance of any specific investment. It does not take into account the deduction of any fees or taxes. There is no guarantee that the rate of return can actually be achieved. Investments offering the potential for higher rates or return also involve a higher degree of risk. 041b061a72