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element 3ds extensive library of over 1,000 lighting, rending, and rendering engines is built-in and can be used from within the graph editor. effects are applied directly to the surface being rendered, rather than to the camera and light setup. lighting is also capable of specular, ambient, and diffuse light. users can use the intuitive lighting controls to quickly create any look they wish. additionally, there are over 200 built-in effects, including reflections, refractions, soft shadows, and much more. rendering includes shadow volumes, direct lighting, indirect lighting, and more. from the graph editor, you can quickly create nodes with many options. additional options include the ability to animate nodes.
this graph displays a 3d surface with multiple sub-graphs. a second dataset has been added as a transparent plane at the z value corresponding to the water level. origin supports free rotation of opengl graphs by simply holding down the r key and using the mouse. additional options for rotating, resizing, stretching and skewing are available when the 3d graph layer is selected. 3d9ccd7d82